Hero photograph
Photo by John Waller

Health Curriculum Consultation

John Waller —

Every two years the Stanley Bay School Board of Trustees consults with the school community on the content of the school health curriculum. In September, the consultation took place by way of a survey linked to the newsletter and a link sent in an email. Below is the Board of Trustees' summary of the results.

Our 2019 data shows that the parent community place major significance on:

· Understanding and responding to peer pressure

· Recognising and dealing with bullying

· Having respect for themselves, others and the environment

· Behaving in a manner that shows honesty and integrity

The community also place a high value on our students:

· Knowing and understanding differences

· Understanding and expressing their feelings

· Showing resilience

· Having the ability to keep themselves safe

We will continue to ensure that the health curriculum delivered at Stanley Bay School meets the needs of our students and their families. As an outcome from the consultation teaching teams will analyse the results and use them to inform their planning.

If you have any further queries about the health curriculum please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or the Deputy Principal, John Waller.