Hero photograph
Photo by Lynley Gibson

Jason Reekers - A Very Entertaining Career!

Lynley Gibson —

Late in Term 3, Brother Bill and I had the pleasure of meeting up with past student and old boy, Jason Reekers, who attended St Thomas' from 1985-1989.

After leaving STC, Jason's career can be described as nothing less than entertaining! After stints working at both Showbiz Christchurch and the Malthouse Theatre, Jason very deservedly picked up the very demanding role of the infamous Ronald McDonald, which involved regular roadshows around the country promoting road safety, and countless other shows, appearances and promotions over the 22 years he held the role!

Sadly, this role came to an end as the result of Covid, and Jason found himself on the hunt for a new adventure, and another role that he found just as rewarding.

Quite by chance, or maybe fate, Jason found himself acquiring the role of the Christchurch Christmas Parade Director, which going by Jason's enthusiasm for the role, appears to be a match made in heaven! Spurred on by grants to help fund the parade, Jason has worked tirelessly with dedicated volunteers to repair and repaint many of the old floats that many of us still remember from our childhoods! The parade was cancelled in both 2020 and 2021, but this year the parade is being held on 18 December at a new venue, the Canterbury A and P Showgrounds.

We wish you all the very best for your debut parade, Jason - if your enthusiasm is anything to go by, I'm sure it will be a roaring success!