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St Hilda's Collegiate School

Guest speaker, Ben Burrows, presenting to Year 7 and 8 pupils by Gemma Oliver-Cowie

Year 7 and 8 News

Gemma Oliver-Cowie - September 21, 2023

It has been a busy, yet exciting term for our Year 7 and 8 pupils. Recently we had guest speaker, Ben Burrow, in to talk with our students about his career within Environmental Sustainability and Science. This was a part of our learning within our Kaitiaki unit that is a part of our Integrated Studies curriculum. Ben shared his insights into his experiences and opportunities available to our students, in their futures, particularly if this were to be a field of interest to them.  

In Term 4, we will have a Year 7 and 8 Activity Day on Friday December 1st. This day is all about our school value of ‘Better Together’. Students will enjoy a movie together, as well as participating in activities at Clip n Climb. There will be no additional cost for this day and more information will be provided at the beginning of next term.

Key Dates for Term 4:

  • Year 8 HPV Vaccinations Friday 3rd November

  • Year 7 and 8 Activity Day Friday 1st December 

Gemma Oliver-Cowie
Year 7 and 8 Dean