Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Tolcarne News

Isla Huffadine —

Week 5 is certainly not how we expected it to be, but everyone has been making the most out of the current situation.

We have been sharing recipes, what we've been getting up to in our bubbles and have had various competitions. Being able to stay connected through technology and social media has helped to make life feel slightly more normal!

Meg Miller has been getting creative on the farm - we love it! — Image by: Isla Huffadine

With online school back in full swing, we hope you are all making the most of time to prepare for up coming exams and assignments. This is a great chance to get things done, without added distractions that we can often find around Tolcarne ðŸ˜œ But in saying that, make sure you are also finding time to relax and unwind, keeping variation within your day. Perhaps you are reading a new book, trying out your skills in the kitchen, going on walks or starting a new hobby - these are all great ways to keep up daily positivity and ensure you don't feel 'bored'!

Lucy Robertson made the most amazing Birthday cake for her brother! — Image by: Isla Huffadine
Greer's bubble is getting served restaurant quality meals - look at her butter chicken! — Image by: Isla Huffadine

Although it feels like there may be uncertainty around every corner, remember we are all going through the same thing. And although this is felt in different ways, we will get through this together 💟 Look for the positives in each day, even when sometimes they may be a littler harder to look for. And as we talk about in Koru - practice some gratitude!! Spending a little time to reflect on what you are grateful for will brighten your mood - 100%. Or even giving someone a 'warm fuzzy' (now we all know that is a feel good thing to do and to receive)!

Image by: Isla Huffadine

In the meantime, make the most out of the time you have with those in your bubble, recharging and enjoying an extra long weekend (that is a good way to look at it 🤣). Tonight the Tolcarne staff are celebrating 'Formal Friday', getting dressed up all fancy (although in the rush of getting home I forgot all my 'nice' clothes, so I may have to dig through Mum/Dads wardrobe 😉). I will share these photos in the upcoming days! We look forward to seeing you all back very soon and can't wait to see everything you get up to over the weekend! ðŸ’• 

Image by: Isla Huffadine