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St Hilda's Collegiate School

by Isla Huffadine

Updated School Bus Route

Helen Almey - February 1, 2022

Regarding School route for Dunedin High and Intermediate schools from Seacliff via Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati and Mt Cargill

We have just been informed that from next TUESDAY 8th FEBRUARY, this bus will leave the St Hilda's stop 12 minutes earlier in the afternoon. That means the bus will be picking up students from Royal Terrace at 3:33pm approximately. All students and teachers have been informed. The morning route has no change.
Timing points from St Hilda's: SHCS 3.33; DNI 3:46; Junction Rd/North Rd 3:56; Waitati Hall 4:15 Evansdale Park 'n' Ride 4:20; Warrington 4:25; Seacliff, 4:40