Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Upper Clutha School Formal buy, swap and sell

Isla Huffadine —

The 'Upper Clutha School Formal buy, swap and sell' group are preparing for their event on Sunday the 13th of June. This will be held in the Lake Wanaka Centre from 12pm to 5pm.

Their aim is to help make school formals more affordable, sustainable and to offer support around navigating what should be a celebratory event for all. It is a chance to dig out your old formal wear to make some money... or grab a bargain! Bring your dresses, suits, footwear and accessories along to sell or donate.

Sellers need to bring their items for ID coding and pricing from 12pm, with selling commencing at 1pm. All items that are not to be donated must be collected at 5pm. They are hoping to have some consultant dressmakers on hand to help with alternation questions.

There will be a raffle on the day, with all funds raised going to Gum boot Friday, along with local hair and beauty specialists offering consultations and treatments at great prices!

"We look forward to seeing you and hope that this will be a 6 monthly event that not only helps to keep formal costs low, but encourages up cycling and reducing fast fashion. For more information please contact us through our Facebook page."