Parents and Friends Association

Roberta Lawrence —

Our AGM was held at the end of Term 2, on the 7th of July. Nicky Aldridge-Masters stepped down as President, as her daughter Sophie is now in her final year.

The following members were elected to office as follows:

President – Roberta Lawrence

Vice President – Linh Ashton

Secretary – Jenny Wagner

Treasurer – Leanne Wright

BOP Reps – Andrea Chisholm & Sharon Fulton (3-year position approved by PFA early 2020)

This term started with the PFA assisting at the Open Night by providing supper. It was wonderful for the PFA to be involved this year given the constraints last year post our first Covid-19 lockdown. This year the PFA relocated to the chapel which proved to be perfect location, the evening was very positive being able to gather with more space to greet and interact with visiting families.

During this term the PFA have been happy to approve funding for the School Production to assist with the sound system, the Kapa Haka group to purchase Performance Poi, the Year 12 & 13 Formal to assist with Security, and the SHCS archives to assist with dry-cleaning and storage of items post the 125-year celebrations. In addition, four Sports & Culture applications from students have been approved.

We would generally be starting to gear up for our bi-annual fair early 2022, however with the anticipated construction that will be underway at the same time the PFA has decided to take a different approach for fundraising. Planning is at the early stages, and we look forward to sharing more detail soon.

The PFA continues to meet monthly, due to the holidays our last meeting for the year will be held Wednesday 10th November at 7pm in the school library. We welcome guests or new members.

If you are interested in joining the PFA or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us