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St Hilda's Collegiate School

by Judy Maw

Book Week

Sarah Ranby - August 19, 2022

WOW! What a week! We’ve had a huge amount of fun celebrating Book Week in our library and beyond its doors too!

A torrent of students flooded the library over the course of the week with students eager to participate in library activities in exchange for a prize. Our fabulous student librarians were kept busy managing activities and as always, it was awesome to see students working together and enjoying one another’s company in this space.

Book Week culminated in today’s Dress Up Day, with creativity and colour spread throughout the school. Characters from all sorts of books then competed in the Lit Quiz hosted by the student librarians at lunchtime today - the hotly contested title of Lit Legends being taken out by the group of students in Team ‘Keepers of the Lost Cities’!

A huge thank you to all students and staff who rallied to support this special celebration!