Bronte Crowe and Gemma Rowcroft — Jul 5, 2022

This term has been busy for sports here at St Hilda’s, as winter sports are now in full swing. We have a large number of students participating in a range of different sports this term, in both competitive and social grades. We have had some great results in a range of different areas.

Gemma and I have continued to focus on trying to offer a range of different types of physical activity for everyone. This term we have been running morning group workout classes for all year groups. We have offered a range of different workouts to cater for a range of people. We have run dance workouts which Gemma and I have really enjoyed, as well as yoga, HITT circuits and Les Mills on demand. We have had a range of different girls from various year levels turn up and we look forward to continuing our workout classes next term.

This term we have also been able to hold our annual cross country at ross creek. It was a beautiful day with the sun out. This year the Year 7&8 runners were sent out first to run their short course. The remainder of the school then followed soon after, with both competitive and noncompetitive runners starting at the same time. This was run slightly differently to previous years, as everyone began the race together. This encouraged the girls to have fun while running with their friends. They were also able to challenge each other! 

In addition, we also held a banner competition between houses which helped people get in the house spirit. The house captains were responsible for creating their banner and did a fantastic job at decorating them. Nelson came out on top and claimed the winning title of the banner competition. 

Image by: Rachael Parker