Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Sports Department

Rachael Parker —

2020 has been a very up and down year for St Hilda’s Sport. The year started off with a hiss and a roar of Athletics day, Challenge Wanaka and Summer Quad. Then all of a sudden, like many activities and events, there was no sport and no school. The effects of Covid over this year has meant some tournaments not going ahead because of restriction levels, weekly sport wasn't allowed spectators and entry and exit points for large groups had to be followed. Although this was all very disruptive through it came resilience, a ‘do what we can do’ attitude and an appreciation for what we did get to do compared to others.

As we came back to school and the sporting environment, we had to adapt and prepare our girls in a ‘ready to play’ mode. This was to ensure players were building up body movement and decreasing the risk of injury by not just jumping back into game day. Once we were back on the court or field, the excitement from our girls was huge. It was amazing to see the enthusiasm and energy from all year levels to get back out there.

Despite Covid making the year disruptive, the school and sporting teams continued to be represented with pride and passion, with some great outcomes still achieved.

At the start of this term we celebrated our Sport Blues Awards, this was a lovely evening where we could come together and celebrate the girls individual achievements in their chosen sporting fields.

The sports year however is far from over, with St Hilda’s teams travelling to various parts of the country in the coming weeks to compete at the NZSS Athletics Championships, the NZSS Touch Championships and the NZSS NZCT Cricket Championships.

Good luck teams and we look forward to hearing your results next year.

Thank you...

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all coaches, managers, teachers in-charge, parents and support people who have been an integral part of the success of St Hilda’s Sports Teams during 2020. Without your assistance the girls would not have achieved as highly as they have. 

Image by: Isla Huffadine