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St Hilda's Collegiate School

Sophie Beardmore, Olivia Priemus and Nicola Erasmus - Year 10 Science Quiz Team by Karen Mowat

Year 10 Otago Science Quiz

Kathryn Baker - September 22, 2023

Our Year 10 Quiz team of Sophie Beardmore, Olivia Priemus and Nicola Erasmus participated in the Otago Science Quiz on Wednesday, 23 August at Bayfield High School. 

They were challenged by a range of questions across all branches of science including famous scientists, chemistry, physics, biology, earth and space science and practical skills. They started strong in the physics and biology rounds and also showed that the “quick cram” of famous scientists prior to the event was effective. The practical skills round showed they could work carefully and precisely. They were challenged by the Chemistry round as classes were yet to do Year 10 Chemistry in 2023 and the Earth and Space science round had some very curly questions which were a challenge. 

Well done to the team who rose to the challenge and finished in the middle of the placings. 

Kathryn Baker
Science Teacher