Hero photograph
Photo by Judy Maw


Judy Maw —

What a term!

Our term started with a hiss and a roar. As always it began with our Boarder parent BBQ on a rather hot January day, this event is a lovely time for us to host and welcome new whanau to our community. We followed this with our ‘Bring your own Dinner’ evening for Year 7, 8 & 9 whanau. A gorgeous Dunedin evening saw families mingling, reconnecting and making new friends. The Meet the Dean evening for Y7, 9 and 11 was another occasion where we got to welcome parents.

The focus however was on the 2020 Fair and what a fair it was… tribute to Sarah Vink and Linh Ashton our two convenors who worked tirelessly to bring together an army of volunteers and the school to host one of the best fairs we have undertaken. The day was glorious, the crowds were large and the offerings for sale were numerous. It was a wonderful success. I would personally like to thank everyone who donated, helped on the day, advertised and/or sponsored any part of the fair. Your input and support is invaluable to the PFA and enabled to us to make just over $50,000 for the school. WELL DONE EVERYONE.

The PFA has a role in supporting the school but also in assisting families adjusting to life at SHCS so please feel free to contact us on pfa@shcs.school.nz and as always we welcome new members to the committee so if you are keen please do get in touch.

As the term closes our thoughts and prays are with you all as we enter uncertain times you’ve been bombarded by the ‘what to do’ information by the media so I won’t add it here .. just please take care.

Term 2 events will be determined by the unfolding events of Covid19

Kia kaha

Ali Copeman

President PFA