Technology Department
The Technology Department is off to a flying start in 2023, with fewer interruptions from Covid we are looking forward to a productive year. This Term we welcomed Mr Chris Richards and Mrs Deb Sutton into the department, who have taken on roles teaching Digital Technology and Junior Design and Visual Communication respectively. Our vision for Technology education at St Hilda’s is to support out ākonga to become;
“authentic and empowered learners who are able to critically interrogate real world problems with empathy in order to produce innovative and refined solutions”
We, in the Technology Department, are committed to offering teaching and learning experiences that support and enhance our vision.
In Design and Visual Communication the Year 13 class visited Otago Museum. Education Officer Ashley Stewart highlighted technological and architecturally significant artefacts in the Tangata Whenua exhibit. The purpose of the trip was for students to find inspirational starting points for their spatial design projects which include rugby league clubrooms, community art centres, playgrounds and wildlife hospitals.
Year 12 Design and Visual Communication students went on their now annual trip to Taiaroa Head with Monarch Wildlife Cruises and Tours. Students are tasked with developing a passenger terminal building for the company at Steamer Basin. The trip allows students to engage with ‘customer centric design’ as well as getting inspiration from flora and fauna unique to Otago.
The Year 8 Digital Technology class participated in the Bebras Challenge. In this students grappled with problems that required them to apply the computational thinking skills they had been developing throughout Term 1.
In Textiles, senior students had the opportunity to get up close to some of the pieces that were on show at ID Fashion week. This provided tremendous inspiration for the students as they have been busy working through a design process to develop patterns for garments in preparation for their assessments and entry into competitions including the Hokonui Fashion Awards and Celebrate Design Awards. St Hilda’s students won the overall award at Celebrate in 2021 and 2022. Perhaps we can make it 3 in a row? With authentic teaching and learning there is always a chance.