Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Pink Shirt Day

Tessa Sinteur —

Pink Shirt Day is celebrated globally, after two Canadian students took a stand against homophobic bullying in 2007, after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

The prefect team and QSA have organised for the school to come dressed in pink on Friday the of 21st May. There will be donation collections in the archway and this money will be donated to the Mental Health Foundation. Funds raised will go towards helping to raise awareness around bullying prevention and will create resources to promote inclusivity in workplaces, schools and communities. The QSA will also be running a lunchtime craft session to make posters, flags and chalk art for the upcoming Pride Month.

At St Hilda's, we want all students and staff to feel safe, valued and respected, Pink Shirt Day helps to reinforce this message.