Tolcarne News

Beth Anderson β€”

Term 3 as always is a busy and jam-packed term. With winter sports and co-curricular activities, the students in the boarding house have been in and out like a yoyo. The van drivers have been flat out to ensure the students get to and from their activities promptly. At the start of the term, the students were lucky enough to have two whole hostel outings; The Barbie Movie and the school production, The Little Mermaid. These two activities were a fabulous time for our staff and students to mingle and connect, as well as to enjoy the viewings. 😎

Another big event on the calendar this term was National Boarding Week. During this week, Tolcarne celebrated by hosting different initiatives such as; the annual Grandparents High Tea, the Day Girl/International Students afternoon tea and tour, and the junior social. The junior social consisted of students from Otago Boys’ High School and John McGlashan College and it was a great night for the students to dress up as cops and robbers. Tolcarne put on a delicious punch and savouries that everyone enjoyed! As you can probably see, all of these initiatives brought whānau, friends and the community together which represents what Tolcarne is all about. 🀩

Our weekly Tuesday activities have also been popular this term when students haven’t had winter sports practices. Lauren has been busy with the students creating egg carton creations, baking yummy foods and crafting jewellery and clay. πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸŽ‰

During the weekends our wonderful Bex has been busy with all sorts of different activities. This term, the students have been lucky enough to have gone to the Fifa World Cup games, frisbee golf, attend hot yoga, and the Escape Room. All of these activities have been highlights for the students and we know how much they have all enjoyed them. β˜€πŸ₯

Another huge event on the Tolcarne calendar was the Tolcarne Ski trip at Coronet Peak. Ange, Robyn and Beth took a group of Year 10 and 11 students. The students left by bus from Tolcarne on Friday mid-day, and were up bright and early on Saturday morning to have a whole day skiing or snowboarding. The weather was superb and we couldn't have asked for a better day. Some students took up the option of skiing or snowboarding lessons. Lunch was served which is always a highlight of the day as Robyn goes above and beyond to make sure every student is well fed and ready to go for the afternoon. She had whipped-up soup, hot chicken and cheese buns, and pesto pasta salad. πŸ˜‹

Enjoy the holiday break, recharge those batteries after a long and busy term and remember, get off those devices and connect with family and friends. 

Summer is just around the corner and Term 4 is not so far away! β˜€

Ka kite ano,

Beth Anderson
Tolcarne Communication Co-ordinator πŸ’•πŸŒ·