Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Science Department

John Janssen —

Staff changes:

Two new staff have joined this department at the start of 2023.

Ms Harriet Love – teaching Science and Chemistry.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Ms Love is originally from Dunedin and is now in her 5th year of teaching. During this time, she has taught science, chemistry and mathematics and has been a Year 11 Dean. Last year she worked for the Otago Regional Council, advising farmers on soil health and water quality and navigating regulatory changes in the agricultural sector.

Mr Chris Richards – teaching Science, Biology and Digital Technology.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Mr Richards is a first-year teacher. He has studied microbiology and immunology and has significant laboratory experience. Most recently, he worked in the United States at the University of Missouri in the Brown laboratory, studying growth and cell division of bacteria. During that time, he worked with some very inspiring scientists, including one Nobel-prize winner in chemistry.

Zara Geddes – The National Rotary Science and Technology Forum:

In January of this year, Zara Geddes travelled to Auckland to attend the Rotary Science and Technology Forum. This is a two-week, fully immersive programme for high-achieving Year 12 students, passionate about science and technology. Zara was one of 168 students from across the country selected for the programme and got the opportunity to live for two weeks at a hall of residence, while attending lectures and labs at Auckland University, AUT, and Massey University. 

Image by: Isla Huffadine

She also got the chance to attend many technical visits to Auckland-based science and technology organisations, as well as attending social events and meeting many like-minded students from all across the country. This programme is a fantastic opportunity for any students who are currently in Year 12 and passionate about Science or Technology. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the programme, you are welcome to contact Zara about her experience.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Year 12 Biology Field Trip:

On the 21st of February, our Year 12 Biology students went out to Blueskin Bay in Warrington to look at the distribution of animals along the mudflats in the intertidal zone. This is done in conjunction with our Ecology (Biology 2.6) standard.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

The weather was at its best, as were the students. After a karakia, acknowledging Te Ao Māori, everyone set to work, diligently gathering data. Many students were amazed with the amount and variety of life underneath their feet, and a few even took some tuangi (cockles) home for tea.

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

Year 13 Biology Field Trip:

On Monday the 27th of March, our Year 13 Biology cohort went to Taiaroa Head to look at Royal Albatross behaviour in support of our Plant and Animal Responses unit. 

Image by: Isla Huffadine

The weather was stunning and students were able to see some albatross chicks as well as some adult albatross and other wildlife on the water from the Monarch boat. This is a great opportunity to see in nature the concepts discussed in class.

Image by: Isla Huffadine