Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Tolcarne Report

Isla Huffadine —

Here we are at the end of Term 1 for 2023. I think many of you will agree in thinking 'where did the time go?!'

We started the year with our Year 13 students coming in early, enjoying time to catch up and prepare for the year ahead as Tolcarne leaders. They were straight into it the next day, when a cohort of new faces came through the door for the first time. We have been so grateful for our Year 13s, going above and beyond to make the transition for the new girls that bit easier. Their genuine care, check ins, special chats and overall 'sister like' bond they're have been making does not go unnoticed - ka pai!

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

The Year 9s have done extremely well, finding their feet in a new school, hostel and city. It is never easy leaving your family, pets, home town and normality, but they've taken these changes in their stride and we are grateful to have such smiley faces down the junior corridor ❤ 

Image by: Isla Huffadine

This year we were lucky enough to hold our Year 13 Leaders' Dinner, extending an invitation to our Year 13 Whānau. In previous years we have not been able to do this, due to Covid restrictions - so we loved having a full dining room once again! Our guest speaker Carmel Leslie was very inspirational for our seniors, sharing her life experiences and advice for heading out into the big wide world next year. One of the main points that resonated with the students was to take all opportunities presented to you in life, no matter how small they seem at the time. Thank you Carmel for joining us and sharing your experiences 🙏

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

Bex and I have loved getting out and about with weekend and after school activities. Bex has organised some awesome outings, making the most of the extended summer we've had! Highlights included, surfing, beach trips, Highlanders games and Paddle Boarding.

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

During our Tuesday after school sessions we enjoyed heading to Timezone, Tenpin Bowling, baking the viral 'Tiktok Pods', jewellery making and much more. Bring on next term for a whole new variety of activities to get involved with!

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

Koru was on weekly for our Year 9s, where we focussed on the topics of Tolcarne values, personal values, gratitude and developing a life map. The life maps will be stored away, given back to the group once they are Year 13. This will be a nice chance to reflect on what they wrote when they first arrived at Tolcarne.

The Year 10s have Koru once a fortnight and we started the year with an exercise around writing a letter to someone they were grateful for. This turned out to be an emotional session, with a few sending their letters on. It was lovely to see so many students expressing their love and care for others.

Sports and extra curricular activities are now in full swing, with recent excitement around the cricket, touch, rowing and waterpolo successes. At the SISS tournaments, the Senior A Touch won and Waterpolo placed third. The First XI Cricket won their Willows match against Christchurch Girls and the Otago Gillette Venus Qualifier. We also had Honor, Georgia and Perri gain Bronze Medals at Maadi! There were many sporting achievements this term, so well done to all of our athletes. 

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

We wrapped up Term 1 with 'all things Easter'. Dr Townsley had Easter Night Prayers, Isla and Robyn took Easter baking/crafts and we finished with the annual themed Tribe dinner. Well done Highgate for taking out the win!

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

This dinner is always a highlight, with Ross turning into an Easter Bunny look alike! Ziggy organised the Easter egg hunt, with lots of eggs and golden bunnies hidden around Tolcarne.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

We also managed to squeeze in a dinner swap with Columba. This was an awesome chance to host their Year 9-11 students and for our seniors to experience dinner at their hostel.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

This year we are excited once again to be taking part in the Pink Ribbon Breakfast campaign, helping to support The Breast Cancer Foundation and their vital work. 

Image by: Isla Huffadine

As part of our fundraising efforts, we are putting together a hamper of goodies to be raffled off. We are looking for support from our Tolcarne community to help with this. If you are in the position to donate any item towards our gift basket, we would be very grateful! Donations of goodies for the hamper can be dropped to Tolcarne on Tuesday the 25th of April (start of Term 2). If you would like to donate, arrange another drop off time, or have any questions, please contact Isla

We will draw the raffle on Thursday the 25th of May (National Pink Ribbon Breakfast Day). Raffle tickets will be available for $2 a ticket, or a booklet for $10. More information on purchasing a ticket/book will be shared early next term!

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Term 2 is always a big one for our students, but we are excited for the thrill this brings and always enjoying hearing how winter games, cultural practices and trainings went. It also means formal season is approaching, with all of the hype around selecting dresses, shoes, makeup looks and of course the fake tan - wahoo bring it on! Have a fabulous holiday break everyone and enjoy time with your special people who fill your cup 😍 Ma tē wā 👋

Image by: Isla Huffadine