Director of Development and Old Girls Association
Amanda Burke - April 4, 2023
With the Chapel and Whitby Hall developments progressing well, we are excited to announce there will be a Chapel fundraiser to coincide with the completion of this project in July. This will be a way for current families, Old Girls and friends of the school to support our new Chapel and ensure it remains an important space for our school community for many years to come. More information to come on this exciting initiative next term.
GPS: Guiding Pathways and Strategies Symposium - Navigating the Teenage Years.
St Hilda’s is organising and hosting the GPS - Guiding Pathways and Strategies - Symposium on August 18/19 to help parents, caregivers and educators navigate the teenage years. This event is open to all parents, caregivers and educators from throughout New Zealand. We are bringing together local experts and other specialists from all over NZ to cover topics such as: brain development, self-harm, nutrition, resilience, anxiety, cyber safety, relationships, pornography, future trends in education and employment, and more. This will be a wonderful opportunity for parents, caregivers and educators to fill their knowledge basket and understand how to support the young people in their lives. Tickets for this event will go on sale in April. If you are in a position to sponsor this educational event, please contact Amanda Burke for details -
St Hilda's Old Girls' Association
The Old Girls enjoyed a get together at St Hilda's last week. Acting Principal Judy Maw updated the attendees on the recent changes to the House names, uniform and building developments. Some Old Girls who attended hadn't been inside the school grounds for decades so there was much for them to see in the way of progress! There was much discussion about what had changed, but also about which traditions remain. This was a lovely event and we look forward to hosting further events throughout the year.