Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Chapel Matters

Gillian Townsley —

This week is Holy Week. As part of this, as a country, we have the Easter holiday break this weekend! Of course, the word “holiday” comes from the Old English for “a holy day” and these days are probably the most holy in the Christian year. You might like to look at some of these resources for ideas you can use for celebrating and remembering the Easter Story over this “holiday” as a family.

If you scroll down through the Strandz website you can find some great ideas that relate Holy Week. Strandz is the Children’s and Families ministry of the Anglican churches in NZ website. They have videos, activities, links to other websites, crafts, reflections etc. They also have a link to a paper-folding activity we did in chapel this week! (You need to click on the “Go!” option to find it). This activity tells the story of Holy Week through folding and cutting a piece of paper, with a clever surprise at the end!

Image by: Isla Huffadine