Helen Almey — Nov 11, 2021

Libby Drummond and Brooke McAlwee, (along with the other  Otago Daily Times Class Act recipients in the region) were congratulated in a small gathering in Hanover Hall.

The Vice Chancellor of Otago University/Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou, Helen Nicholson acknowledged their achievements, the heights they had reached already. The Right Honourable David Clark reminded us that it was important and necessary to remember that young people were far more responsible than ever before – for their community, their world, and that these young people were examples of that mindset. Above all, he wanted to thank the recipients for all that they had done and for all that they would do. He would look forward to the ODT catching up with them in ten year’s time.

Class Act was established in 2000 by the ODT because the newspaper thought, and continues to believe, excellence should be encouraged and celebrated. 

Image by: Isla Huffadine