Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Mt Cook Geography Trip

Brigitte Bradfield —

On May 17th the Year 12 Geography class set out for the annual field trip to Aoraki Mt Cook National Park.

The weather was calm and sunny and we were rewarded with beautiful views of our highest peak as we headed into the park.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

The students gathered data for their research while gaining 300m in altitude and walking up a few steps on the way to the Red Tarn.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Thursday and Friday were a bit damp but we still went out and saw the Tasman Glacier and wandered up to the first bridge in the Hooker Valley. It was a great chance to actually see the glaciated environment that the students had learnt about in class. It was a fantastic group of students, who stayed positive despite the weather. Thanks to Carla Joint who joined us on the trip.