Jackie Barron — Jun 4, 2020

Last year we initiated a Parent Advisory Group, who meet once a term to discuss and brainstorm key concepts and initiatives for the further enhancement and development of the education we provide for their daughters using the Appreciative Inquiry model. Their input has been invaluable in helping shape our thinking for the future, bouncing ideas and proposals and sharing developments.

All parents are welcome to join this group and assist us with our strategic planning and have input into the future of the school.With that in mind we are currently developing a school-wide Wellbeing framework and would value your thoughts and ideas on how best to build and implement a framework that encompasses students and staff wellbeing, incorporating sustainable initiatives that benefit our whole community.

We will be using the Appreciative Inquiry model, which focuses on being reflective and understanding our current strengths. We have consulted with staff and are currently working with our students. We would value your input as parents and as such invite you to join our Parent Advisory Group on Thursday 25th June at 7.00pm in the library. (This meeting was scheduled for the 26th March but had to be postponed) If you are interested in reflecting on and further shaping the Wellbeing Framework at St Hilda's Collegiate we would be delighted to have you join us. The workshop will go from 7.00pm to 9.00pm, and there will be light refreshments provided. 

Please RSVP to admin@shcs.school.nz for catering purposes. (Please note if your RSVPed to the meeting in March you do not need to RSVP again)