Gillian Townsley — Mar 18, 2021

This week, we celebrated our 125th year as a school by having a special service at the Cathedral. The Prefects led us throughout the service with prayers and readings, while Michael Grant as the Cathedral Director of Music, Ben Madden as the Sings Hilda Director, and organist Johnny Mottershead, led us throughout with the music.

“In the Beginning …” After the Sacristans invited us to pause for a moment of confession, Sings Hilda sang ‘King of Love’ by Julie Knowles. The focus of the service then shifted to the area near the font, which was donated to the Cathedral by St Hilda’s students back in the early 1900s. There we heard about the beginnings of our school as told by students from the Improv Theatre group and the Dean.

“As it was … “ From one of the side chapels, old girl and past staff member Rev. Barbara Dineen, shared some recollections and reflections on life at St Hilda’s. As part of this, we sang our school hymn, ‘Blessed are the Pure in Heart’ and heard the reading of Matthew’s Gospel from where this beatitude comes. The kappa haka group sung Te Karakia O Te Atua to conclude this section.

“As it is now …” Mrs Barron then spoke to us from the front of the Cathedral about the school today, of the strengths of the community and the challenges we have overcome. Then Olivia Brown sang ‘Home’ by Philip Phillips, reminding us that we are not alone, that this place is always our home, and echoing the words of Jesus, ‘If you get lost, you can always be found.’

“As it will be …” The Dean then helped us reflect on the world that is to come, and to commit the future to God. As part of this, we were led in some prayers by a Year 7 student (Molly Luxton) and a Year 8 student (Amara Ogbuehi). Sings Hilda sang the beautiful song ‘One Voice’ by Ruth Moody before we concluded with the blessing and dismissal.

This was a very special service, and a wonderful way to reflect on the past, the present, and the future of our school. Thanks to the Dean, Father Tony, for enabling us to come together and celebrate in this way. And thanks most of all to God, the one who empowers, redeems, and inspires us in our journey as a school community.