Gillian Townsley — Apr 8, 2021

As we come to the end of this term we have much to be thankful for! In particular, the 125th celebrations. This was a wonderful event that reminded us of our treasured heritage, the joyous present, and the future potential of our school. The vision of Bishop Nevill to set up a school for “daughters of Anglican gentlemen” is inspiring, as is the courage of Sisters Geraldine and Etheleen who were sustained in their “venture of faith” by “a vision of the Eternal.” And it was wonderful to hear the “old girls” catch up with each other, reminisce about the past, and sing “Blest Are the Pure in Heart” with gusto!

We can also be thankful that we were able to celebrate Easter in the middle of the term. Often Easter is subsumed into the school holidays at the end of Term One, so while we are always able to focus on the Lent, Holy Week and the events leading up to Easter, the post-Easter events – including the resurrection! – are often not touched on until after the holidays. These sacred events in the Christian calendar have been celebrated for the last 2000 years and it is good to be part of such a tradition. This year our Easter Eucharist was on the resurrection, and the hope and joy it represents, which was a positive way to end the term!

Events such as the 125th celebrations and the Eucharist, remind us that despite our unsettling and changing world, there are celebrations, symbols and rituals which can anchor us to what is certain: in particular, God’s love, grace, and forgiveness. As a result, we can truly celebrate the past – of both our school, of Christ’s redemptive act on the cross – live freely and compassionately in the present, and look forward to the future with a sense of hope and joy.