Judy Maw — Aug 26, 2022

As you know at St Hilda's we enjoy working with a Parent Advisory Group, (PAG) who meet once a term to discuss and brainstorm key concepts and initiatives for the further enhancement and development of the education we provide for our students using the Appreciative Inquiry model. The group's input has been invaluable in helping shape our thinking for the future, bouncing ideas and proposals and sharing ideas.All parents and caregivers are welcome to join this group and assist us with our strategic planning and have input into the future of the school.With that in mind we are continuing to develop systems and strategies to support our students wellbeing, with a focus on technology and the use of phones in school. We are keen to hear your thoughts and ideas on how best to manage behaviour around phone use and also educate our ākonga about the potential harm that overuse of phones can cause.We will be using the Appreciative Inquiry model, which focuses on being reflective and understanding our current strengths.We would value your input as parents and as such invite you to join our Parent Advisory Group on Tuesday 13th September at 5.30pm in the library.We know that to effectively manage the use of phones in schools in a way that minimises disruption to learning and promotes healthy connections and relationships, it is critical that we work in partnership with parents and whānau. If you are interested in contributing to this discussion and helping shape our wellbeing strategy for the future we would be delighted to have you join us. The workshop will go from 5.00pm to 6.30pm, and there will be light refreshments provided. All attendees who have RSVP'd will be sent relevant readings and research to help inform the discussionPlease RSVP by Friday 9th September to admin@shcs.school.nz for catering purposes and so you can be sent the appropriate readings prior to the meeting.