St Hilda's Parents & Friends Association Report

Roberta Lawrence —

Welcome to all our families that have started their St Hilda’s journey in 2023, as always Term 1 is action packed and seems to pass very quickly.

At the start of the year, the PFA appreciated the opportunity to welcome and cater a light lunch for the parents of new boarders’ post dropping off to Tolcarne. As always it is a privilege to welcome new and returning families at the start of the year.

The PFA has met twice through this term and are pleased to have approved Sports & Culture Fund requests to the value of $2,300, and an additional $10,000 (on top of the $50,000 donation from lasts year's Gala), towards the Chapel rebuild. These donations will cover the audio-visual equipment and deposit for the artwork installation.

This year the PFA is looking to organise just one fundraiser to ensure we can also provide support to other functions and events being organised by the school.

The fundraiser is guaranteed to be a great night out and we would appreciate as many members and friends of the school community joining us on Saturday 6th May with “Ethel & Bethel Bingo Babes” for a Comedy Evening with Bingo, Raffles, Auctions and much more.

We are looking to fundraise for a school outdoor interactive area and donation to fellow Anglican colleges in Hawke's Bay who have been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.

This event is being held in the school gymnasium and is open to anyone 18 years and over. Tickets are $40 each and can be purchased online - Link to tickets for Ethel & Bethel Bingo Babes Comedy Evening 6th May.

As Term 1 comes to an end the PFA wishes all families and staff a relaxing break that incorporates a few stat holidays, allowing families to spend more time together.

The SHCS PFA meets once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm and is open to all parents and caregivers. Meetings for next term are 17th May and 21st June, with our AGM scheduled for 16th August.

If you are interested in joining the PFA or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Roberta Lawrence - PFA President