Hero photograph
Photo by Isla Huffadine

Chapel Matters

Gillian Townsley —

Do you know what your Love Language is?! In chapel this week we looked at the Five Love Languages which is a tool developed by psychologist Gary Chapman. It seems that there are five main ways in which we all value and show love and knowing what these are can really help us understand ourselves, our friends, and loved ones.

For example, think of someone in your family, and if they were going to show their love to you, would you prefer to be given a wee gift or a hug? Would you prefer to be given a thoughtful note or to have them do a task for you? Or would you prefer just to hang out with them, spending time together? The five languages are therefore, Gift Giving/Receiving, Physical Affection, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, and Quality Time. This link takes you to a Quiz page to discover your preferred language!

We can also see God’s love for us in the Christmas story through the lens of these Five Love Languages:

· The heart of Christmas is the gift of the baby Jesus, and the gifts of love, joy, peace and hope for our world which came with Him.

· God's love comes to us in the messy and noisy birth of a baby, born in a stable, with animals and hay and – I bet – even some dung!

· The Christmas story also has many words of affirmation delivered by angels – to Mary and to the shepherds in particular: “The Lord is with you! Do not be afraid! Peace on earth to all people!” Words we all need to hear at this time.

· Luke's Gospel tells us that even though there was a lot going on for Mary with all the attention around her baby – with shepherds, wise men, angels – she treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2.19).

· Finally, the whole of Jesus' life was an act of sacrificial love; he modelled a life of loving service to others, exemplified when he washed the disciples’ feet, and then ultimately when he laid down his life to save the world.

I hope this Christmas you hear the Language of God’s Love speaking to you.