by Judy Maw

Last Word

Kate Bryant

What is the meaning of life?

To be honest and exact, I don't actually know the answer,

But I believe in order to truly find meaning in your life, you should first start thinking about how to live in the moment.

So how do we know we are living in the moment?

Acceptance is key. Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do; accept the past as the past without denying or discarding it; learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others; and don't assume that it is too late to do anything. In the same breath, acceptance does not mean giving up and, it doesn't mean relying on others to do the work for you.

Learning how to live is an essential part in knowing the meaning of life. Life is like a camera, focus on what's important; capture the good times; develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot.

Life is not just about growing up and getting older; life is about using time to do something useful. People might be afraid to grow old, however, as you grow older you learn more. If you stayed at age 10 you'd be as annoying and cringe as you were when you were at 10.

Be yourself; don't change for the sake of others. Changing yourself will not make you any happier nor will it make others.

Be good to your friends and cherish them. Look around you, the people you surround yourself with now, are likely to be your lifelong friends. So treat each other well.

Life can be crazy, it can be amazing, it can be sad, it can be happy,

but that my friends, that is life.

So go out there, do that thing that you’ve always wanted to do, go do something that you’d never thought you would do, go meet some new people, go laugh, go have a cry - every thing you do is meaningful - each of our lives is so meaningful in each and every way.

So from the profound words of my 6 year old sister from the backseat of the car:

“My life is perfect, I love my life”