Bella Devereux by Isla Huffadine

Meet the Prefects

Bella Devereux - Sacristan

Quite honestly, if there was a competition for the best looking uniform St Hilda’s would win. And I’m not just saying that because I’ve been wearing it for the past five years. The light blue blazer and kilt was one of my first memories when beginning St Hilda’s for year 9 in 2016. The first day nerves involved pulling my socks up far too high, constantly re-tying my tie and for some unknown reason wearing a mid, parted slick ponytail that unfortunately was a common hairstyle throughout my first year of high school.

Beginning at St Hilda’s was a challenge for me, as I didn’t know any of the girls in my year. After the first few weeks of settling in with my year group, learning about the best food at the canteen and realising that no matter how many times I wished, there was never going to be a slide down from the fourth floor, I began to see what St Hilda’s could offer me. Within the past five years I have been involved in aerobics, student coaching, hip hop, stage challenge, show quest, peer mentoring, kapa haka and chapel committee. These have allowed me to grow and push myself out of my comfort zone, with the opportunity of representing the school regionally and nationally, giving back to the younger students and community and growing in my co curricular passions.

As for prefecture, this has been something I've looked up to ever since the beginning of year 9. I would watch the senior girls in awe, especially the sacristans as they bravely sat on stage and spoke twice a week in front of the whole school. Hearing my name as Sacristan in prize giving last year was an incredibly surprising experience, as I would now be that senior that I used to look up to. Most people really hate public speaking, which I guess was lucky for me as I never have had a major issue with it. Don’t get me wrong though, the pre chapel nerves still exist! My role as Sacristan this year has allowed me to learn and grow far more than I ever could imagine. My amazing partner Charlotte and of course Dr Townsley have been so incredibly supportive and helpful in my role, and my appreciation for chapel has grown even more after getting behind the scenes in how it's put together!

If I’m honest the thought of finishing high school is a thought that I regularly push to the back of my mind, avoiding the fact that it is fast approaching. As scary as the thought may seem, I am confident about the skills and lessons I have learnt at St Hilda’s and where they will take me next. As for what I want to do next year, which is a question I am beginning to count how many times I am asked, that seems to change almost every day. It would be nice to be that wee year 9 girl again, but I’m ready for the next chapter in my life wherever that will take me, as well as the fact I could never go back to that mid ponytail hairstyle. 

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