
Student Devices and Family Zone

Family Zone is no longer required to be uploaded to our student devices as Linewize offers filtering systems for computers and ipads during school hours. Some parents/caregivers might want to pursue the protective technology Family Zone offers. Family Zone have developed 'Qustodio', which is an upgraded system with more sophisticated parent controls. Please contact Family Zone for further details.

On this Tech topic; please save the date, Thursday 25th May, for a parent/caregiver seminar, 'Our Kids Online'. This seminar is being co-hosted by St Hilda’s and Otago Girls in the Otago Girls auditorium.

Mr David Young is our school IT Manager and he is on site Mondays, and Wednesdays and, for urgent matters, is available by email at other times. Your child can find Mr Young in the room underneath Room 108, beside the Common Room.

We would like to commend our junior ākonga for their admirable self management with our cell phone system. These self regulation skills will pay off in the long run and there have already been noticeable positive effects both in and out of class. Kia kaha! Mrs McMillan