Parents and Friends Association

The end of the school year is fast approaching, and the PFA is wishing all senior students the best for end of year NCEA exams.

Sadly, due to COVID a few activities we had hoped to attend and support the school had to be cancelled or reformatted, we are thankful to the school that they have endeavored to continue with us much as they could, despite the change in approach. The PFA wishes all our 2021 leavers and their families the best for the next pathway post-secondary school.

During term 4 the PFA has supported the following school events with donations towards Prize Giving and the Year 13 Leavers Function.

The PFA farewells Shyamal Das and Nicky Aldridge-Masters, as their daughters are finishing up in Year 13 at SHCS. We thank them for their support and commitment to the PFA over the years.

We will meet again in person on Sunday January 30th, as we host a BBQ lunch and welcome all the new boarding families to the St Hilda's community. We will also be looking to host an informal gathering for new families to the school, and have pencilled in Monday 21st March, in the hope that the boarding parents returning girls from the long weekend will be able to join us. More information will be shared in Term 1.

The next PFA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday February 16th 2022, at 7pm in the school library. We welcome any guests or new members.

Best wishes to the wider school community for some quality family time over the school holidays, and we look forward to catching up again in 2022. If you are interested in joining the PFA or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: