by Isla Huffadine

Physical Education and Health Department

Physical Education, Health, Outdoor Education and Food and Nutrition. By Monique Grant, Shannon McNatty, Gemma Cowie, Kat Harpur, Cadyne Geary, Shannon McNatty, Shannon Prentice, Carla Joint and Bee Bradfield.

Year 7 PE - Monique and Shannon

The Year 7s have had focus on the Olympics and working together in country groups. Students have enjoyed the team element and working towards points to gain placings in a variety of sports. The Swimming module has concluded and we finished with some creative displays of synchronised swimming.

Year 8 PE

These students started the term with their 'Games Around the World' unit. In this unit, games from Malta, Aotearoa New Zealand, India, England, Australia, and the Netherlands were explored. Students have recently begun their 'Large Ball Sports' unit which will include games such as rippa rugby, basketball and newcombe ball.

Year 9 PE

Year 9 PE have recently completed their 'Sport Education' unit, whereby students take turns at modeling team roles such as the coach, referee and captain. We have now begun our 'Outdoor Bush' unit, whereby students will experience contributing back to their community and participating in a range of outdoor activities.

Year 9 Module swimming: This is a safety swimming module, where students learn about safety techniques and what it might be like to be in an unfavorable situation on the water. This helps raise their awareness of their abilities and limitations in various circumstances.

Year 9 Gymnastics module: In gymnastics we have been building our skills necessary for developing gymnastics floor routines. This includes group statics and balances, mat skills, beam/vault work and prop manipulation with hoops/ribbons. All of this will combine into beautiful gymnastics floor routines which the students are currently working on.

Year 9 Fitness module: Within this module we have practiced a variety of methods of training and looked into benefits of exercise, in relation to our hauora - as well as in relation to the short term and long term physiological benefits to our health.

Year 10 PE - Shannon McNatty, Monique Grant and Gemma Cowie

Year 10 have been working in teams and developing their knowledge in the sport of 'Korfball'. Students had the opportunity to take on leadership positions through coaching, umpiring and managing. We have moved onto 'Mindful Fitness' where the focus is on developing specific language and reflecting on experiences in PE activities and how they affect hauora (wellbeing).

Year 11 PE - Monique Grant and Shannon McNatty

Year 11 PE students have been further working towards the understanding of Energy Systems and Anatomy. Students have been learning about phases of learning, types of practice and specifically how this looks in Volleyball. Students took ownership of their learning to further develop their skills. We have discussed aspects around sports psychology and applied understanding to volleyball and personal sports.

Year 12 PE 

The Year 12s completed their 10km run from Company Bay to Anderson Bay and have successfully applied the relevant biophysical principles to their training for this run. They have discussed non-relevant biophysical principles and what they would do differently next time in preparation for another 10km run.

Year 13 PE - Monique Grant and Shannon McNatty

Year 13 PE have had a busy term working towards two of their performance internals, Cross Country and Aquathlon. Students attempted to engage in a 6 week training programme and devising strategies to help them achieve their goals in relation to the Aquathlon. We have concluded the term with an internal that encompasses sports psychology, biophysical principals, sociocultural ideas and critical thinking. We have started preparation for the Cross Country Ski Trip next term.

Y12 Outdoor Education 

The Year 12 Outdoor Ed class have had a few weeks mountain biking on various tracks around the Dunedin area. Students also completed their rock climbing achievement standard, with everyone enjoying climbing at the Port Chalmers Quarry. To finish the semester of Outdoor Education, we ran our own version of the Amazing Race. We continued to think about our social responsibility and risk management skills for safe and enjoyable experiences for all.

Year 9 Health - Shannon Prentice

During Term 2 students have been identifying the factors that positively and negatively effect their wellbeing. A focus has been on countering the cognitive distortions that impact their thinking about themselves and others.

Year 10 Health - Kat Harpur

Students have been learning about factors that contribute to their personal well-being and how these interplay to affect all areas of health and well-being. We have learnt more about personal values, strengths and weaknesses and how these make up who we are, but not need to limit us in what we can achieve. We are also learning about issues that might challenge us as teenagers and strategies to overcome these. Youthline facilitators, Rahel and Tiffany are currently educating learners about consent, keeping ourselves safe and sexuality.

Year 11 Health

Students started the module with a focus on gratitude and mindfulness. We have explored different areas of sexual health and had Dr Zuzana Wheeler visit us with her expertise in this area. These health sessions have had a good deal of student lead input, which allows us to deliver sessions that are real, needed and applicable to our students.

Year 12 Health - Cadyne Geary

Students have been exploring gender stereotypes and the effect of media on young women. We watched 'Embrace' a powerful documentary on societal influences on young women. Students used information from this to determine their own life goals and how they can embrace, love and accept their bodies. Students were also exploring sexual health with Dr Zuzana Wheeler through 2 integrated sessions.

Food and Nutrition

Year 12 Food - Kat Harpur

The Year 12’s have been learning about the provision of foods for specific food needs, with a focus on high energy users (athletes). We have explored the specific food needs of a diverse range of athletes and looked at how their food requirements differ from that of a standard teenage diet. We have been practically applying learning in class making health foods for athletes and looking at the nutritional content of these foods. We had the wonderful opportunity to have Sara Richardson from High Performance Sport NZ, come to chat to us a bit more about sports nutrition and give us some tips on improving the diet of athletes. We will be implementing our ideas in assessment write ups, devising health enhancing strategies based around diet and lifestyle.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Year 13 Food - Kat Harpur

McDonalds has been the focus for the Year 13’s this term, not just an excuse to visit! We have been looking at how multinational food corporations influence our eating patterns and how this plays into our health and overall well-being. It has been fascinating to discover that while we think we have a say in what we eat, these companies actually have quite a lot of power in influencing our decisions through devious marketing strategies.

Image by: Isla Huffadine
Image by: Isla Huffadine

Shannon McNatty has come to the end of her part time position at St Hilda's after teaching PE part time over the last 1.5 years. We have really enjoyed having Shannons’ enthusiasm and knowledge injected into the department! It's not a goodbye but a see you soon