Sharing the Love
Our care packages are packed and will soon be winging their way to the Hawke's Bay community. Thank you to everyone for giving generously to this cause - it is much appreciated.
Our care packages are packed and will soon be winging their way to the Hawke's Bay community. Thank you to everyone for giving generously to this cause - it is much appreciated.
Term 2 - Wednesday 26 April - Friday 30 June
Learning Conversations with curriculum teachers - Wednesday 3 May, 5.00-7.30 pm
Learning Conversations with curriculum teachers - Thursday 4 May, 4.00-7.30 pm
Ethel and Bethel PFA Event - Saturday 6 May
Staff Only Day - Monday 8 May
School Cross Country - Wednesday 3 May
Burn Bright Programme - Tuesday 23 May
Parents' Cyber Safety Evening - Thursday 25 May
Senior Formal - Friday 26 May
King's Birthday - Monday 5 June