by Shannon Prentice


Term 2 has been busy in the Technology Department with students across all levels producing outcomes for food, digital, textile, architectural and product design contexts.

In Terms 1 and 2 the Year 7 class developed their understanding of cooking processes and numeracy to produce a range of delicious dishes including;

Pastry Tarts, Sausage Rolls, Baked Samosas, Cheesy Garlicky Potato Wedges, Cottage Pie, Potato and Ham Bread Nests, Apple and Berry Crumble, Carrot and Apple Muffins, Raspberry and White Chocolate Bread 'n Butter Pudding, ANZAC Biscuits, Jam drop biscuits, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cranberry and White Chocolate Cookies, …Yum!

Food Technology - BBQ themed cupcakes — Image by: Technology
Food Technology - Cottage Pie — Image by: Technology

To conclude the course the Year 7 and 8 class came together for a shared lunch. The Year 7 class made the Year 8 class BBQ grill themed chocolate cupcakes and Year 8 shared the animations they had been working on in Digital Technology.

In the Year 10 Design and Visual Communication semester course students developed their understanding of spatial design, developing concepts for a container building for a purpose of their choice. In this, students developed their understanding of measurement, scale and architectural modelling to develop a building that was fit for purpose. Pictured are two examples of the many excellent models students made. Isla Wilson (on the left) made a lake house for a family and Isla Kamo a clothing store.

Design & Visual Communication - Container Building — Image by: Tim Armstrong

In Senior Textiles, students have been working to complete entries for the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards. In order to further support students in building their skills and developing their outfits, students had the opportunity to work with the lecturers at Te Pūkenga Otago Polytechnic to enhance their outcomes. The awards evening is on Saturday 29 July and students are excited to share their work with the fashion world. Pictured below is a collection produced by Ruby Young, Emily Wright and Meg Pope.

Senior Textiles — Image by: Baydon Harris
Senior Textiles — Image by: Baydon Harris
Senior Textiles — Image by: Baydon Harris

Tim Armstrong
HOD Technology

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