by Judy Maw

Last Word - Molly Malcolm

Not to start off with a gloomy topic, But, I have been to 14 funerals in my life so far, and it's definitely no competition, but I think it's safe to say that that's more than your average 17 year old girl.

Altho funerals are mostly tears and heartbreak there's one thing that gets me through each one, and that is the memories shared and the time to reflect on what type of person they were.

Now one thing that I have noticed is that at none of the funerals I have attended did the ceremony revolve around how pretty they were or how they had bags under their eyes that certain day, nor were they sharing what clothes they wore to school and the fact that they outfit repeated once in their life. This is truly just because that's not what matters and is not what is remembered.

What's remembered is the fun times and crazy stories and the type of kind caring soul that each person once was, so why are we worrying about how we look or how we are dressed because frankly i'd rather have good memories and my kind hearted personality shared at my funeral any day over how pretty I was or how I looked when I did my last word in highschool.

I encourage you all to have a think about what you would prefer to be talked about at your funerals and I hope that it makes you reflect on the fact that memories and time spent with each other is much more precious than how good your makeup looks today or how fashionable your clothes are.

Life is about the connections we make, the laughter we share, and the love we give. Let's focus on nurturing those aspects of ourselves and others, for they are the true essence of our existence. Let's strive to leave behind a legacy of kindness, compassion, and joy, so that when our time comes, we'll be remembered not for our appearances, but for the beauty we brought into the lives of others.