St Hilda's representatives at the UN Youth NZ - Aotearoa Youth Declaration Hui by Helen Almey

UN Youth NZ - Aotearoa Youth Declaration Hui

UN Youth NZ - Aotearoa Youth Declaration Hui — Image by: Helen Almey

UN Youth is New Zealand's largest youth-led civics organisation. As part of the larger mission to include a diverse range of perspectives, they organise Regional Hui around the motu on topical local and national issues for high-school students. These discussions are then taken to a national hui where a Youth Declaration is written and taken to Politicians and civic leaders, the purpose being to allow young people to have a voice in their communities and be change makers.

Friday 22nd March saw six young people from St HIlda’s participate in lively debate and workshops looking at issues in their local Otago community, considering what the priorities were, considering the budget needed and then having to negotiate with other groups as to what percentage of the budget they could actually have. This was then repeated with a national focus.

The students enjoyed hearing diverse perspectives when considering issues that were of social, regional and national importance. All participants took it very seriously and there were some passionate debates over the allocation of resources. It was an excellently run day which will hopefully, further inspire these young people to take an interest in politics at either a local or national level.

Participants were Maia Palmer, Tarryn Croot, Megha Senthilkumar, Isla Ingham, Evelyn Barkman, Naomi Jones.