Mask Mandate Update

Thank you for your support regarding our mask mandate. The students have been compliant in their wearing of masks during school hours and, as a result, we believe it has helped with our relatively low absent rate from Covid and cold/flu-related illnesses amongst staff and students. However, we are also conscious of mask fatigue and with the declining rate of Covid 19, the SHCS Board of Trustees proposes the following:

The Board of Trustees will lift St Hilda’s Collegiate mask mandate from Monday 5th September. However, the mandate is lifted with the following conditions:

  • Students are expected to have a mask with them at school at all times and are encouraged to wear a mask. For seniors, benchmark exams are in week 8, so would be beneficial to keep wearing a mask properly when in class.

  • Students and staff are expected to wear a mask:

    • when in Chapel/Assembly as there are many people gathered in a large space

    • when lining up at the canteen. This is to protect the Canteen and kitchen staff to ensure the hostel remains fully staffed

  • Staff will outline their expectations for mask wearing in their classroom. We expect the students to be respectful of individual staff's wishes regarding student mask wearing for their own wellbeing

The Board of Trustees will continue to monitor Covid 19 statistics and take advice from the Ministry of Education regarding mask-wearing and Covid 19 protocols to safeguard staff and students.

Any enquiries regarding this, please email

Thank you to our parents, students and community for being so supportive of this initiative and for helping us to keep our ākonga and kaiako safe. Your patience and understanding has been appreciated.

Noho ora mai

Jackie Barron