by Isla Huffadine

Year 12 Economics trip to Minchmoor Farm

The Year 12 Economics class travelled to Lee Stream on Wednesday to visit Minchmoor Farm, a 3000ha property owned by Sam Reid. The visit was arranged by Dave Callon who kindly accompanied us and manned the bbq at lunch time in the woolshed, where we sampled some fine New Zealand farm produce.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

Sam took us on a wee excursion which involved looking at recently shorn Perendale ewes in the sheep yards, yearling deer on a paddock of winter crop and then back to the woodshed where Kate from FMG farm support and Hayley from Farm Corp talked to the girls about career pathways in agriculture based on their own personal experiences.

Image by: Isla Huffadine

It was a great day out and the scale of the operation was amazing as Sam farms over 10,000 sheep and well as having breeding cows and deer.

Thanks to Sam for the kindness he afford us, and Dave for providing the inspiration to visit this beautiful property and for providing the farm fresh kai.