Hero photograph
Photo by Aroha Stewart

2022 Tui Classroom Teacher

Aroha Stewart —

Introducing Mrs Maggie Stevenson

Dia Dhuit, Kia Ora, and G’ day,

My name is Maggie Stevenson and I am the luckiest person, because I am joining the Tui class in 2022.

I am from Ireland, and of our faith. I am relatively new to the teaching profession. I have worked with tamariki with Autism at Bluestone school for the past 6 years. It was a natural progression for me to continue my journey, entering the University of Canterbury to complete my degree in teaching. I am passionate about each and every child having the same opportunities regardless of how they learn. I listen, I observe and I then teach. Every child is unique.

I live in Timaru with my Kiwi husband Nathan and our two “kiwirish” sons Luke and Noah. Luke is in Victoria University, he majors in psychology. Noah is at Roncalli. I come from a large Irish Clan of Foxes ( my name). My Mam is Bríd, I have seven siblings. I am very connected to the old country and involved in South Canterbury Irish Society locally and The Irish Embassy in Wellington, keeping our ties alive, but also creating a support network for emigrants to these shores. 

I will bring rich experience to my role with your precious children, (whom I know as I have spent five weeks of this year on placement at St. Joseph’s. ) I have managed restaurants in Galway, I am ex British Airways cabin crew, also I have spent some time working with children with behavioural problems in Ireland. 

I have big shoes to fill as Fiona and Ann have been doing an exceptional job. I am a country girl and I connected with the children of St Josephs, recognition of their background and how they approach the world. I am so excited and I am bringing a kete of new approaches in education. I cannot wait. looking forward to meeting you all in 2022. 

Until we meet, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand ( and never hold his fist too tight).
