Hero photograph
Photo by St Joseph's Pleasant Point

Supporting Learning

St Joseph's School Pleasant Point —

Sometimes children require extra support with their learning. We have a highly trained teacher aide who supports the classroom teachers with children’s learning.

All children are closely monitored and any children we identify as needing extra support are given this through our SENCo programme.

At the beginning of each term the teachers identify students who need extra support and what support is required. This support can be one on one time with the teacher aide, they may work in a small group with other students who have a similar need. They may work with the teacher aide in her room or the teacher aide may work with the children in the classroom.

Data is collected at the beginning and end of the support to enable the teachers to decide on next learning steps and whether extra support is still required. Some children require support for a considerable length of time and some for just a short time. All support is tailored to meet their individual specific learning needs.

“The school is responding effectively to children whose learning and achievement needs acceleration. Progress and achievement is regularly tracked for individual children needing support. Programmes are purposefully provided to suit individual children’s needs. Learning support is often extended to enable children’s success. Careful analysis shows many children make good progress over time.” ERO 16th February 2018.

We also have access to a variety of support agencies e.g. the RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour) and RTLit (Resource Teacher of Literacy) to guide us further if our own interventions are not providing the success for students that we hoped for.