Aroha Stewart — May 4, 2021

Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta

Dear Families

I hope you all had a lovely 2 weeks with your children. They have certainly come back to school bright eyed and bushy tailed and full of vim and vigour. It is always wonderful to have our students back, as school really isn't the same place without them!

We extend a warm welcome to new families commencing their schooling with us. We hope that being part of our St Joseph's family is a positive experience for you and that you feel a sense of belonging and community as together we grow in unity – learning, loving and serving as one.

Our thoughts and prayers have been with Miss Trainor these past few days, as she recuperates from her accident. She is healing at home now and is hoping to be back at school in the next couple of weeks. We are very grateful to Mrs Judy Colidcott for helping us out by teaching in the Kakapo class while Miss Trainor is on sick leave.

Our children are busy getting 'fit' for the cross-country. You will see them out and about most days running around the blocks nearest our school. Please help us by ensuring they are wearing appropriate footwear each day and their school vests. Information regarding this is included in this newsletter. Your child will also bring home a hard copy notice regarding transport for this day. 

The building project is nearing the end of stage 1. There have been ongoing issues with delays in shipment of materials and co-ordinating tradesmen which has at times held up the completion process. However, I am pleased to say that we are hoping to move the Kakapo children back into their class early next week. We may have to work 'around' some things, but at least they will have their space back! Once the toilets are functioning we will stop using the Kerry Hall and staff toilets and Claire can once again have peace and quiet in the office area.

This term we are very lucky because Trish More has started taking the whole school for pilates every Thursday afternoon. Today the children (and their teachers) had their first session with her. It's amazing how difficult it can be to just sit up straight or balance on one foot while doing something else - and wearing office clothes doesn't help! From now on, don't be surprised if you see staff getting around in gym gear most Thursdays!! And parents, if you come in early to pick up your children, feel free to join in - the more, the merrier.

Well the mornings are certainly getting a little nippier as winter is making itself known! The days are shorter and the mornings and late afternoons are darker. It is a good reminder to ensure your child wears his or hers vest to and from school as it is really hard to see children on footpaths and the sides of the roads at this time of year. 

Stay well everyone.

Nga mihi mahana ki a koe me manaaki te Atua - Warm greetings and God bless

Aroha Stewart