Whakanui & Puawai News
Sam Fowler - September 30, 2021
Tamariki are busy settling back into routine and we can see the strengths in the relationships we build with you all have held strong across our recent absence.
We have had many conversations amongst ourselves as to how much the tamariki are enjoying refamiliarizing themselves with the environment and directing their own learning.
It has been a priority for us as always to be:
-Present, Responsive, Available, and to continue to create a space that encourages confidence, independence and fun, reciprocal relationships.
The tone of environment stems from one important focus ‘Time’
Time to observe, time to respond, and time to enjoy each other’s company.
With this in mind we have been providing a wide range of experience that we know bring us together and the tamariki really enjoy:
Messy Play! This is not only fun but provides sensory exploration, confidence alongside others and the ability to investigate ideas such as cause and affect
Group Times! Spontaneous or not these always draw us together and allow for extension of oral language, understanding of rhythm and rhyme, and again coming together and understanding what it means to be part of a group
Outdoor Exploration! How can you not with our incredible natural environment! Observing children exploring outside is one of our favourite things to do, watching them discover the natural world and each other in a calm, open ended environment encourages risk taking and empowers their sense of self.
As always, its such a great feeling seeing all of your faces and reconnecting with you.
Kaiako have spent their time in lockdown thinking about your child and how we can best support, encourage and challenge them to grow as capable and confident explorers. Please share your visions and aspirations for their learning with us as often as you can as this guides our practices and helps set the tone for our environment.
Bring on the warmer weather and more time together
Keep Warm Whanau
See you all soon!
He waka eke noa - We are all in this together
Whakanui and Puawai Kaiako
Ngā mihi nui,
The Whakanui & Puawai teams