Penny Coulthard — May 31, 2020

Welcome back everyone. It is fantastic to see everyone back at Preschool. Even though drop off and pick up is a little different, everyone has settled back in extremely well – thank you for supporting us with this change. All of the children are extremely happy to back and seeing their friends.

As all the children are transitioning back into Preschool, we have set our Group planning focus for this term as 'Supporting the Well Being of all Children as they Transition back into Preschool'.

Ways in which we will be supporting this is by 

-providing a positive climate/environment that feels safe, respectful, welcoming and supportive. 

-providing all children with opportunity to share their experiences and understanding from lock down. 

-created a display of photos that you shared with us during lockdown, which the children are enjoying talking about.

A very big welcome to the new children and families that have started in Manaaki, we all look forward to getting to know you and following your learning journey. Please speak to any staff member if you have any concerns or just for a chat.

With the cooler weather upon us, please remember to bring in named jackets and hats. We will be continuing to head outside to play and want all the children to be nice and warm.

Thank you to Karen who has kindly made and donated some fairy doors, sea life blocks and cars – the children are loving these.

We look forward to a fun month ahead, as we make new discoveries, new friendships, challenge ourselves, revisiting prior learning and lots of fun playing.

The Manaaki Team