Hero photograph
Photo by Swannanoa Preschool

Puawai and Whakanui News

Dani Davidson —

Kia ora whānau, in Puawai, you made have noticed our new display boards in the entrance way, don’t they look great!

On one half of the board, you will see a display which links to our current internal evaluation topic. As a team we are investigating what the strand ‘Communication’ from our curriculum Te Whāriki looks like within Puawai. There is a space for you to make comment or give us some feedback, we would really appreciate your input. Please also check out our planning board to see some of the activities and learning we have planned for the children in relation to their current interests and learning priorities. If you have anything to add, please do! Your voice is invaluable and supports us to understand how to better support your tamariki!

In Whakanui we have welcomed some new families and their children. A very warm welcome to you all! Jenni and Ashlee have been very busy planning to support our youngest tamariki with their current curriculum priorities. These are around supporting children to actively explore their environment and develop their understanding of communication skills and how to use these (both verbal and non-verbal) for a range of different purposes.

Please feel welcome to see us anytime if you have any questions.

“He taonga nui ā tātou tamariki. The greatest tresure is our children”