Sam Fowler — May 31, 2020

Our nursery tamariki have really enjoyed coming back and have settled in happy and excited for the day.

A lot of the day is spent pottering and becoming familiar with the environment again as well as enjoying time with each other and reconnecting.

Image by: Swannanoa Preschool

We love having the nursery humming again with busy sounds of exploring and being together for songs and stories we all enjoy. It's getting cold and frosty so if you could make sure there are hats/jackets and plenty of changes of clothes for your busy explorer that would be really helpful! 

Image by: Swannanoa Preschool

We have noticed the tamariki have really enjoyed challenging themselves physically outside and we will be focusing on this interest over the next few months; keep an eye out for some interesting experiences! We will make sure we share these with you along the way. So glad to have you all back and to be together again!

He waka eke noa- We are all in this together

-Whakanui and Puawai Kaiako 

Ngā mihi nui,

The Whakanui & Puawai teams