Hero photograph
Photo by Swannanoa Preschool

Wet Bags

Swannanoa Preschool —

We are excited to be providing each of our tamariki with a WetBag to be used daily here at Preschool.

This is the next initiative in our Enviroschools journey.

As single use plastic bags have been phased out and we are continually looking to lessen our footprint on our wonderful planet we are introducing WetBags.

We will provide each of our tamariki with a WetBag - colour of their choosing (dependant on availability), these will then be named.

We ask that you bring your child's WetBag to Preschool each day they attend, all wet clothes will be placed in here. Soiled clothes will be placed in a very small plastic bag within your WetBag.

Please remember to bring these bags every day or you may be handed a small pile of wet clothes.

These bags have passed our rigorous testing - a wet t-shirt in the bag - bag placed on a piece of paper - 12 hours later, very minimal dampness.

If you lose or misplace your child's WetBag we will have some available for purchase in the office or you may supply your own, we will not be sending wet clothes home in plastic bags.

We are really excited about this next step in our journey with you and your tamariki to fulfil our Enviroschools philosophy.