Hero photograph
Photo by Swannanoa Preschool

Whakanui & Puawai News

Dani Davidson —

Kia ora whanau, we have had a busy, but great month in July and have managed to stay warm throughout all of the cold weather and rain.

July brought the school holidays which we hope you all enjoyed and managed to spend some time relaxing and recharging for term 3.  We spent some time in the holidays evaluating our group planning and setting new group learning priorities for term 3. In Puawai, we had been focusing on three areas of learning but one being centred around supporting all tamariki to feel safe, settled and understand how things work here. This focus came about after having many new children and their families join us in Puawai and our commitment to ensure their transition was as smooth as possible. We feel that this was a beneficial focus and that these children have settled in incredibly well and are developing their sense of belonging here.

Our Early Childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki tell us that when children have a feeling that they belong, it contributes to their wellbeing and gives them the confidence to try new experiences. Belonging is nurtured through social interaction with kaiako and other children and by respecting the achievement and aspirations of each child’s family and community.

This was our vision for many children new to Puawai over term two. Please feel encouraged to fill out your child’s ‘Hopes and Dreams’ sheet in their learning journal and talk to your child’s key teacher about what is important to you and your family. We really value this information and relationship and use it when completing planning and assessment for your child.

Please talk to a teacher if you would like to know more about our ‘behind the scenes’ planning and assessment for individual children and group planning.

Just a wee reminder to continue to ensure your child has warm clothing, a spare change of clothes and their wet bag for any wet or dirty clothing, thank you!

Ngā mihi nui,

The Whakanui & Puawai teams