Hero photograph
Photo by Swannanoa Preschool

Manaaki News

Penny Coulthard —

Throughout the term we have welcomed a number of tamariki who have transitioned from Puawai to Manaaki. These transitions have developed a sense of belonging with tamariki settling well. We also welcome the families of our new tamariki. We enjoy having the time to talk with you and hear about your hopes and dreams for your tamaiti.

All tamariki have a special learning journal, which documents the learning and fun that your tamaiti has during their time at Preschool. These journals are out in Manaaki, for the tamariki and you to sit and enjoy. You are welcome to take these home to share, please just let a kaiako know if you wish to do this. We also like to share with you photos and stories of your tamaiti’s day via seesaw and we appreciate the comments that you share back with us.

Throughout the term you would have noticed that we rearrange the classroom space from time to time (family areas becomes a doctors surgery, the blocks get moved to the new space, the couches find a different place).By changing things around it provides a whole new outlook and opportunity, as the tamariki view it as new space that needs to be explored – new play is created and discovered.

The changing of the family area into a small doctor’s room has been a popular place to play. Setting up this area has allowed the tamariki to share with each other their knowledge and understanding of what happens when you visit the doctor. They have been enjoying the equipment that is similar to what they have seen the doctor use stethoscope, blood pressure pump, injection, bandages and thermometer. It has also provided opportunities to play and work together, share equipment, listen and contribute to talk about doctors and hospitals and appreciate another person’s ideas and understanding.

Image by: Swannanoa Preschool

The continued interest in construction has seen many amazing ideas being created. The open ended ways that the tamariki can use the different construction equipment sees them exploring new ways to challenge themselves. The use of construction equipment is supporting the development of their hand eye coordination, manipulation skills, allowing for trial and error, creativity, sharing equipment with others and pursuing an interest for a sustained period of time.

To support the interest in construction, we have been doing some work on building a wooden structure outside with the wood. There has been a lot of discussion around what could be built. Tamariki have drawn up their own ideas and plans. With the support and guidance of kaiako the tamariki have worked hard at sawing the wood to the size they need for the base – there has been precise measuring to make sure each piece is the length needed, there has been team work as everyone helps each other. The wearing of the work vests was a highlight. However, things came to a halt when we discovered we had no nails – luckily we have now sorted this, so construction can start again.

Image by: Swannanoa Preschool

It is through Exploration/Mana aotūroa that tamariki learn. Tamariki are active thinkers, problem solvers and explorers. They see themselves as explorers, able to connect with and care for their own and wider worlds. In Manaaki we provide an environment that offers a range of possibilities for exploring, planning, reasoning and learning, with space arranged to encourage active exploration.

Please speak to kaiako if you have any concerns, highlights, laughs or would just like a chat.

Manaaki team