Jess & Penny — Dec 1, 2019

The end of the year is FAST approaching and it is time for those who are heading off to school in the New Year to let the office know your leaving date.

Please use this Summer break to familiarise your child with the school they will be attending.  Play in the play ground, have picnic outside the classroom your child will be in and bring a bike or scotter and enjoy the concrete areas around the school.

'Got a Young One Starting School' by Mana Ake - this is a great little resource for parents with children heading to school.

If you have any questions please come and talk to Penny or Jess, we are happy to help in any way we can.

There will be a staff change for 2020 in the transition to school team, Penny is moving to a new group and Kelly from Manaaki will step in.

Transition to School Team

Jess & Penny