Manaaki News

Penny Coulthard —

There has been a lot of interest and enjoyment in storytelling.

The children have been able to use different equipment and materials that are provided to retell favourite stories and to create/make up their own stories.  Many children have also been enjoying making their own resources to use as they retell stories.  The Three Little Pigs has been popular.  We will continue to grow this interest that also supports the children's oral language development and gives them a sense of empowerment as they share with others.  We would love to hear if the children are sharing their stories at home with you.  Also if you would like to come in and share stories with the children, we would love to see you.

We have been talking with and doing different activities that provide the children with the chance to talk about and express their emotions.  Recognising our own and others emotions / feelings is important for children to develop empathy, understanding, kindness and respect.  Do you talk about emotions and feelings at home?

If you would like to discuss your child's learning or stop for a chat please feel free to do this at any time.

The Manaaki Team